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G.Taghiyev's 75th anniversary exhibition "In the light of realism" was held.

In the Exhibition Hall of the Artists 'Union of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic named after B.Kangarli was awarded the Medal of Progress, a solo exhibition "In the light of realism" was held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Gahraman Tagiyev, a member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan and the Artists' Union of Nakhchivan AR. Chairman of the Artists' Union of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Honored Artist, member of the Culture Committee of the Milli Majlis Ulviya Hamzayeva made an opening speech at the exhibition, spoke about the life and work of the artist, the state care for artists. Then our distinguished guests were the head of the Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS, academician Ismayil Hajiyev, Consul General of Turkey in Nakhchivan Mehmet Emin Kiraz, rector of Nakhchivan Teachers' Institute Azad Novruzov, Deputy Mayor of Nakhchivan Tahmina Mustafayeva, People's Artist Huseyngulu Aliyev, Dean of Nakhchivan State University Javid Ismayilov, Honored Artist Telman Abdinov and others congratulated the artist on his anniversary and exhibition. 75 works of the jubilee were symbolically displayed at the exposition. The exposition is open until the next exhibition.