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Nilgün Chevik
She was born in 1956 in Chorum, Turkiye. In 1979, she graduated from Samsun Education Institute, Department of Painting. She was an art teacher in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Chorum. Her marbles were used in the information boards made during the restoration works of the Topkapı Palace Sacred Relics Department. She is the author of many group exhibitions in Turkiye and abroad. She was sent by the Ministry of Culture of Turkiye to Spain, France, Kyrgyzstan, China, Bulgaria and Italy to promote the art of marbling. She is a marbling art teacher in Turkish Traditional Handicrafts courses at Hitit University. There are many works in museums and private collections. She participated in the creation of the Chorum Municipality Art Museum, and was an art advisor to the Chorum municipality. She continues his work in the N'ART Gallery, which he created. He is an honorary member of the Union of Artists of Nakhchivan.